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Meet Teylor Emch

Teylor Emch-Ms. USA Prime Division 3

My name is Teylor Emch from Columbus, Ohio and I am proud and humbled to be your inaugural Ms. USA PRIME Division 3. I was introduced to the pageant world at 28 years old and immediately told myself that I was not the pageant type. I have horrible posture, I cuss a little, and to be honest, entering an industry with a reputation of impossible beauty standards, cattiness, and unhealthy competition just did not appeal to me. But, I would be lying if I said I’ve never practiced that dramatic crowning moment in the mirror a time or ten, so yes, I was intrigued and it took me over year to convince myself that I should give pageantry a shot.

I am no stranger to the stage. In fact it feels like home to me. As a child, I loved being in front of the camera and as a competitive bodybuilder, I subject myself to months and months of sacrifice and preparation for just a few minutes of stage presence. So what was it about pageantry that scared me so much? Well, I knew I would be challenging myself in ways I never had before. I’d be out of my comfort zone in a world that most enter when they’re in diapers! Also, the judgement. What if I lose? What if I fail? My friends and family are going to think this is bananas! But with my 30’s approaching, I told myself that I was no longer going to let fear of judgement or failure stop me from at least trying! And along came Prime Pageants.

In September of 2021, I was appointed your Ms. Ohio Prime Division 3 with my mission to show the mental transformation that occurs when we begin to prioritize our physical health and practicing gratitude. I began pursuing my nutrition certification, published two intention-setting journals that are available on Amazon, and began getting out in my community to share my story. I single-handedly organized a charity bowling event for Family Mentor Foundation that raised hundreds of dollars and food donations. I travelled and attended Prime launch parties where I was able to meet and hug my fellow Prime queens from all over the US that until then I had only seen through a screen. 

All of this while promoting Prime, prioritizing my self-care, maintaining my fitness goals, and crushing it at my job as a designer for a commercial real estate and development company. 

In September 2022, I traveled to Orlando, Florida for Prime Pageants’ national competition where I was crowned your Ms. USA PRIME Division 3. Since this incredible moment, I have started a scholarship program for students impacted by transferring schools during their high school years called New Kids Can and held a coat drive for One Warm Coat that donated over 50 coats to those in need. At my job, I organized a food drive that gifted a full Thanksgiving spread for 3 families in my community and adopted a family for Christmas through the Buckeye Ranch. 

I have big goals for myself this year such as learning American Sign Language, shaking hands with the first New Kids Can scholarship winner, stepping back on the NPC bodybuilding stage, and traveling with my Prime sisters making memories that will last a lifetime! 

I am so proud to be a titleholder with Prime Pageants; the first self-care and service based pageant with a built-in mastermind like no other system out there! My hope is to inspire women of all ages to take a chance on the things that scare them. It is never too late to try. Look silly; get uncomfortable! It may turn out to be the greatest thing you’ve ever done for yourself. 

Photo Credit: Chris Hawks

Find me on…

Instagram @msusaprime3 & @tey_withacrown

Tiktok @teyemch

Intention Journals and information about New Kids Can can also be found on my website, teyloremch.com

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