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Meet Dr. Toria Lee, hc.

Dr. Toria Lee, hc. is a model, pageant queen, diabetes advocate, beauty influencer and brand ambassador. She has been working in the cable industry in various positions over 15 years, marketing, and communications manager for 3 years, pageantry about 4 years, modeling for 7 years, and a beauty influencer/brand ambassador over the last 2 years.

Toria’s greatest accomplishments are graduating college, competing in pageants, receiving my honorary doctorate degree, and starting the process of launching my nonprofit business.

Toria has always had an interest and passion for helping people, community outreach, fashion, and clothing. She is currently Ms. America Classic Beauty International Queen 2023. She will be competing for her third year with the pageant system of Royal Productions by NM – Classic Beauty International Pageants.

Her platform is “Grandma’s Heart” an initiative to provide help, support and resources for all women who are in need. Toria has a passion to help women of all ages by providing support, resources, and knowledge on overcoming life’s obstacles. She has built strong relationships within the community and pageant sisters to help her mission to make a difference.

There are women who need a fresh start, help with interviewing for a job and personal care needs. Toria has been working in her community to help with that and grow into a community resource to provide more in the future. Her passion to help women allows her the opportunity to meet different women and connect with organizations to build lasting friendships and connections. Toria’s inspiration behind Grandma’s Heart, are her two grandmothers who are her angels. Their wisdom, guidance and love has carried her throughout her entire life and is the driving force to keep pushing forward and never giving up.

Toria is also a plus model who has model in some amazing shows over the years. She has learned from the best and dedicates her growth to Dr. Angela Rivers-Harper-Ohio Kurvy Fashion Weekend, Dionne Grubbs-IKAGI/Full Figured Fierce, and Ms. Nicki Mack-Diva Dolls International, among a host of many others. Being in the pageantry and modeling industries has given Toria the opportunity to express her true self, self-development, and growth in confidence. Toria never thought she would speak in front of people, do a photoshoot, or compete in a pageant. Up to date she has done all that and more.

Toria’s goal in life is to continue to grow and build positive and meaningful connections. True beauty starts from the inside and out. Through life we as women go through many situations that will try to break a woman down. Remember to keep God first, go for your dreams, and never give up. Tell your story and live life with love, peace, joy, and happiness.

Follow Toria on IG: BeautyByTRL
Facebook: Ms. America Classic Beauty International 2023

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