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Letter from Editor in Chief-Dr. Mariette Sydnor, hc.

Model Icon Fashion Show
Photo Credit Ian Nelson

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”-Dr. Suess The month of September is the end of summer and beginning of fall, a season of transition for many. For me, I am still in transition. Transitioning from a limiting to limitless mindset. This is a journey within itself because of the many demands’ society puts on us as women. Transitioning from unbelief to belief. Remembering who and I am and whose I am. This is an ongoing journey, ever evolving.

This month I will complete my reign as the first ever Ms. USA Prime Division 4 with Prime Pageants. This has been such an incredible journey. God knew exactly what I needed during this period of my life and trust me, He even knows what you need as well. As we learn to lean into His love and grace for us, we always get the clarity we need to move forward.

I am so happy to release this month’s issue for your reading enjoyment. Each of these ladies are phenomenal in their own way. They are trailblazers. They are resilient, kind and generous with their time, talent and gifts. Please help me celebrate their unique journey. I hope the words penned inspire you to your greatness.



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