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Meet Camilla Gilbert

Camilla N. Gilbert is a persistent advocate, educator, and leader that has used her lived experiences and education to support and assist people with disabilities and their communities through education, mentorship, and advocacy. 

Since 2020, Camilla is the Founder and Owner of Microtia Life, LLC where our mission is to empower individuals with disabilities to defeat all odds and become knowledgeable through education, advocacy, and mentorship. Microtia Life aspires to change society’s assumptions and prejudices towards individuals with disabilities.

For over 30 years, she has been an advocate, activist, and motivational speaker for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing communities and people with disabilities. Microtia Life is here to assist and develop with disability training, motivational speaking, keynote presentations, and other projects.

Her journey includes denying her deaf identity due to societal expectations, assumptions, and prejudices towards the Deaf/Hard of Hearing community. With claiming her deafness, she is a confident Woman who educates, mentors, and advocates for others who need a little encouragement. Ms. Gilbert’s mission and purpose are to educate others through her lived experiences with intersectionality and navigating in their communities.  

She is currently the Program Coordinator/Accommodation Coordinator with Accessibility Resources at the University of Cincinnati Uptown West Campus where we are committed every day to providing full and equal access to students with disabilities.

What have been your challenges? I was born different. At birth, I was born with two little congenital ears called bilateral microtia and absence of ear canals called aural atresia. (Please refer to my article for more challenge regarding Microtia and Atresia). Hearing Life Magazine Article |Microtialife
On January 30, 2022, at 39 years old I had a stroke that affected my speech and cognitive skills.

What are your greatest accomplishments? (Please refer to my article Hearing Life MagazineArticle | Microtialife). But my greatest accomplish is my daughter Jada. Also being resilient with have Microtia and Atresia and being a Stroke Survivor.

What are your plans for the future? Plan to enjoy my life as a stroke survivor. I live my life on a daily basis. Life is so precious. My plan for the future is to continue my mission and vision for Microtia Life, LLC and being connected to other stroke survivors.

Camilla is a Doctoral Student at Northern Kentucky University for a Doctor of Education Degree in Educational Leadership.  Her research topic will understand how disability/deaf identity influences the Black Microtia and Atresia community.​

How can people contact you? www.microtialife.com, Facebook: @microtialife Instagram: @microtialife Twitter: @microtialife Linkedin: Camilla Gilbert and Microtia Life

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