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Meet Chris and Christina

Christopher and Christina Willis

What are your names and how did you meet? Christina and Christopher Willis. We originally met in modeling class 21 years ago. He had a fiancé and I had a boyfriend at that time. We reconnected a year or so later and we were both single. We started off as friends and the relationship eventually grew. We were married in 2013.

What you do for a living?  Christina – Director at Citibank. Christopher – Metro Bus driver

How long you have been together (married and dating) – Officially dating since 2010 and married since 2013.

How has marriage changed you for the better? Marriage allows me to be vulnerable in a way that I have never been able to be with anyone else. It gives you a sense of stability because you know that those small arguments mean nothing. We will still be together tomorrow. You think of someone other than yourself when it’s time to make decisions or when life situations occur.

What advice would you say is the key a long lasting, fruitful relationship? Remove the filters and truly get to know each other.  Understand that neither person is perfect despite the pedestal that you may hold them on. Communicate communicate communicate. Talk to your partner after an argument in a way that tells your partner how it made you feel instead of being accusatory. Talk to your partner about your day, about how you feel, about everything. Be your partners best friend.

Lastly, what sweet things would you like say to your spouse this Valentines Day?  I would like to tell my husband that he is the most amazing man on the planet. There is no other person that I would want to laugh, argue, or do nothing with. He is my rock.

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