Jose Mujica once said, “The world will always need revolution. That doesn’t mean shooting and violence. A revolution is when you change your thinking.”
Tisha Savage is a woman of many talents. She is a photographer, graphic designer, Events & Artist Management with Booth Life and the owner of Revolutionary Pageants.
I was blessed to meet Tisha through the gift of pageantry. What impressed me the most about this amazing woman is her drive and fortitude and her advocacy through the Arthritis Foundation. Her indomitable spirit is her driving force to be the change she wishes to see in the world. This is why she is revolutionary.
How long have you been doing what you do?
I have been involved in Graphic Design & Photography since the age of 16, so 21 years! I feel old. I have been in the events and artist management industry for about 17 years now. Moved to Nashville 5 years ago to expand our business in Music City.
What have been your challenges?
Mainly my challenges in this industry have been from being a female. The nightlife industry and artist management have predominantly been male. I also have an extensive resume in which I have been blessed to work with some of the biggest names in the biz. Unfortunately, sometimes people have not believed me. (Even though there are photos to prove it, so it did happen). As of recent, the market also is saturated, and the competition is high. On top of that, I use my hands the majority of the time and was diagnosed with Psoriatic Arthritis that left me bed ridden for quite some time but that has not stopped me from pursuing my dreams and to continue to take up space.
What are your greatest accomplishments?
Some of my greatest accomplishments include becoming a National Ambassador for the Arthritis Foundation. I was currently recognized as an Honoree for the California Coast Classic Bike Tour and featured in their annual “Why We Ride” campaign. I am on a mission to share my story with Arthritis, break stereotypes and make a change in healthcare. I believe that that healthcare should be more accessible and affordable to everyone. Other accomplishments in my life have been when I was awarded the Congressional Art Award from John Mica, being named Who’s Who in Industry Professionals at the age of 21, award best Ad Page Design in various National Pageants and been featured in articles I have written called “Breaking into Showbiz” in Pageantry Magazine.
What are your plans for the future?
I have big plans as always for the future. I always say, you might have a small business, but your dreams will always be big. I have a lot of plans with our artist Jayden Keita. We are putting out new music with my Business Partner, Cody Infante who goes by the name of Dumb Groove and our producer Glitchii. We plan to release new singles featuring them and working with a crew in Atlanta, Tampa and Nashville to continue our journey to support their music careers with Booth Life.
I also am working hard to “Revolutionize Pageantry” by bringing a whole new system to the industry called Revolutionary Pageants. I want to be inclusive of all types of humans, including a title for Non-Binary which will be Mx Revolutionary. I want to highlight minority groups and make sure that there is a safe space for those who suffer with mental illness, have disabilities, women of color, those who are plus size and petite. I want to create a platform for everyone and anyone who wants to make a difference in their communities and really revolutionize what it means to be a titleholder.
As someone who was a former Ms. Florida United States and competed at a National level as a size 6, it is hard to think that I still can be on a stage as now a size 18. I did not feel accepted and never thought that I could compete again. I am thankful for my journey with Prime Pageants to regain my confidence which has led me to compete again. When I was looking for a new system after placing 1st Runner Up at Prime, I reached out to several directors and asked if they allowed fellow directors to compete. Loreen from Continental Worldwide responded with “We don’t think that being a director should end your pageant career.” I immediately filled out my application to compete and I now am Miss Tennessee Continental 2024 competing in Salt Lake City, Utah next Summer.
Any other information you would like to share?
Don’t let anyone or anything stand in the way of going after your dreams. There are too many tools available at your fingertips and too many opportunities that await you. There will always be setbacks, challenges and very low moments in the process. But it is all about pushing yourself to your full potential. As someone who is disabled and at one point in my life thought I would never walk again, take it from me, you CAN do it.
How can people contact you?
Email Me: [email protected]
@MissTishaMarie • Personal – @MissTennesseeCW • Titleholder
@SavageImage my Photography Page
Or the Pageant @RevolutionaryPageants on Instagram