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Meet Diane Irick Conde

Hello everyone! My name is Diane Irick Conde and I currently hold two positions. The first position is I have been with Mary Kay Cosmetics for over 33 years and love working with women. My second full time position is I have been in the insurance industry for 35 years. I am a licensed agent, but my current title is Training Manager for Medicare.

Let’s talk about the insurance industry first. This is still a male influenced industry, so the challenges have been great since having to over come that I am a female and not a male. Going into management has been an uphill climb for women in this industry. Times are changing and more and more women are coming into this industry and wanting to move up into management, so those challenges are not as Great today as they were in the 80’s and 90’s.
Even though I love selling, my passion is training, and training those to sell correctly and with integrity.

I have a Full Specialist license which allows me to work in the cosmetic industry. I have been using Mary Kay Cosmetics since my teens and now selling their products for 33 years and I can tell you, I do not look my age. Haha

The challenge with Mary Kay is that the younger generation still think it’s their mother’s or even their grandmother’s Mary Kay, which is not the case at all. We have the most up to date products out on the market and are still considered the #1 Brand in the Industry. We even do online facials now. My business flourished during the pandemic, and it still does today.

My Plan for the future is to continue my career path with Mary Kay going into Directorship by touching as many Women’s lives as I possibly can by end of 2024. The Lord has also placed on my heart to have a special needs pageant. Be looking for Diamonds with Determination between April and May 2024.

To be honest, I consider every accomplishment a great Accomplishment. I love our Facebook group called Crowns and Coffee where we celebrate everyone’s accomplishments. I have judged and been an emcee for several pageants. I have held several county, state and even national pageant titles including 4th runner up at the Pure International Pageant this year in June 2023. I am currently Classy Ms. Treasure Coast and will be competing for the Classy International title in 2024. I will be walking in the Model Icon Fashion show in Chicago and I am currently in the Fabulous over 40 competition.

I am a domestic violence survivor, a cancer survivor, and a drug abuse survivor. God was with me through all of those difficult moments, as He continues to be with me now.

Ladies all I can tell you is HAVE FAITH AND STAY POSITIVE!!!!


Please feel free to reach out to me by calling me at 813-810-3441 or by private message on Facebook. Please let me know who you are and where you received my information as we can never be too careful.

And don’t forget to go to my Facebook page for the link to vote for me in the Fabulous over 40 competition. It’s completely free and I would appreciate your support.

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