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Introducing Teylor Emch, Ms. Prime 2023

Photo Credit: Chris Hawks Photography

Teylor is a 32 year-old designer specializing in restaurant and hospitality design, living in Marysville, Ohio with her new fiancé, Dylan, and their three miniature dachshunds. She earned her BFA in Interior Architecture & Design from Ohio University in 2015 and is a proud alumna of the Sigma Kappa Beta Upsilon chapter.

Following the challenges posed by Covid-19 in 2020, she sought a fresh start, embracing a new job, mentality, and personal goals. This quest led her to discover pageantry, where she was appointed the inaugural Ms. Ohio Prime Division 3 of Prime Pageants. In 2022, she competed at the Prime Pageants’ national competition in Orlando, Florida where she earned the title of the first Ms. USA Prime Division 3.

During her reign, Teylor developed and founded New Kids Can, a scholarship program near and dear to her heart due to her personal experience of transferring schools five times. The goal? To provide funding and resources to new students seeking higher education while also implementing programs that ease them into their new surroundings and coursework. To date, New Kids Can already has over 1,500 applicants!

In September 2023, Teylor competed for a second time at Prime Pageants’ nationals and won her current title; the ultimate national title of Ms. Prime 2023. Her dedication to the growth of Prime Pageants as it enters its 3rd year of changing lives has her focused on sharing her story with others to inspire women who may feel past their “prime”. Teylor hopes to encourage women to take a chance on themselves and trust that little voice inside that tells you “you’re destined for more.”

Looking ahead to 2024, her aspirations take a personal turn as she aims to concentrate on enhancing her physical well-being, contemplating a potential return to her previous passion for competitive bodybuilding. She hopes to continue her community outreach by serving on her alma mater’s Young Alumni Leaders board as well as remaining a role model for women of all ages showing that there’s no dream too extreme.

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