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Meet Tisha Savage

Jose Mujica once said, “The world will always need revolution. That doesn’t mean shooting and violence. A revolution is when you change your thinking.”...

Meet Rachel Roberts

The world of pageantry allows you cross paths with so many amazing women doing amazing things in this world and Rachel Roberts is one...

Meet Chawntia Johnson

Meet Chawntia Johnson, a seven-year registered nurse at Vanderbilt Spine Center in a current role of Patient Care Coordinator. She is the founder of...

Meet Chenelle Jackson

Chenelle Jackson has 15 years of media experience leading production and strategy for companies such as TEN: The Enthusiasts Network, Motor Trend, Petersen Museum,...

Meet Consuelo Mack

Meet Consuelo Mack, a Civilian Management Coordinator with over 22 years of experience in the federal government. In her current role, she is responsible for...