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From the Editor-in-Chief

2022 Ms. USA Prime Division 4- Dr. Mariette Wade, hc

The words I am sharing in this article are penned by one of the most prolific writers and spiritual warriors, LaToya Nashae Riley. These words keep watering my soul as I am walking through my own spiritual wilderness seeking my healing and restoration. In this season of my life, the title of this issue, Faith, Hope and Love resonates so deeply with me as even in this season of stillness, God is still and always will be faithful.

“Latoya Nashae Riley”-Tucked deeply within the recesses of pain is purpose. Yeah, I know it hurts to go there, but let’s go there. Let’s be brave enough to feel. Be courageous enough to maneuver around emotional thorns that seem to not have been dulled by time.

Lingering hurt and anger have no right to hold you captive – no right at all! Friends, where the Spirit of the Lord is there is FREEDOM. (II Cor. 3:17). Freedom is a mindset and one’s mentality is a choice.

Listen, you will never (ever ever EVER) be free by default. Liberty only comes by way of intentionality. Receive Christ… then choose to allow His Spirit to guide you down the path of freedom. Before you think in terms of quick or automatic, let me reel you back in to reality.

More often than not, bondage doesn’t break away easily… but it will break away. (In Jesus’ name, we declare it!) Trust the process by trusting the One who gives grace for the process. Through the middle and even on the side of freedom, you’ll find that the process of being healed from past pain helped to solidify and possibly propel your purpose. Something that will bless others is built into your pain process. The process feels personal, but its fruit feeds more than just you.

Again, hurt and pain have no right to hold you captive. Where you are isn’t where you have to stay. Freedom is available. Receive it.

LaToya NaShae 

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