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Letter From the Editor in Chief

When I choose to walk in the fullness of who God has called me to be I embrace the identity He had in mind for me at the beginning of time. That version of me is what all of creation yearns to encounter.- Sarah Jakes-Roberts

HEY SITIGIRLS!!!! We are 10 days into the second half of the year and I couldn’t be more excited for you, for us!!! I know the year has had its share of highs and lows but guess what? You are still standing. Even with tears in your eyes, you are staying the course.

Sometimes it is hard to walk in your purpose or calling. Sometimes it is a very lonely place. I know it has been hard for me. Sometimes it has been hard to even get out of the bed to face another day. I know we have all been there. I know my God-given purpose is to remind people of God’s hope. I often questioned how I was to remind people of God’s hope, when I have having trouble staying out the pit of despair myself. Biblically, hope is a confident expectation and trust in God and His promises, based on His Word, His character, and His saving work. Hope is not a wishful thinking, but a firm assurance regarding things that are unclear and unknown.

I have been so blessed to have a tribe of amazing women around me wo have adjusted my crown, prayed with me, encouraged me and loved me back to life. We all need our tribe. No one can go at this life alone.

This month’s issue is to remind you that you that you are a Q.U.E.E.N (Qualified. Exceptional. Educated. Necessary). As I have had to adjust my own crown and dry my own tears countless times, I truly hope this edition dries your tears and helps you to adjust your crown.

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