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Letter from the Editor-in-Chief Mariette Wade

“My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.”-Maya Angelou

Finding Purpose in the Midst of Chaos

We have officially entered into the 3rd quarter of the year. Many of us look around in panic wondering where time has gone. Others look at it as a time to gain even more momentum to their goals. Quarter 3 is actually a time for me to reflect on all that I have accomplished this year and take a small moment to celebrate myself. Now celebrating myself doesn’t mean I take a pause. It does not mean that I stop working. It simply means that I am being intentional in taking the time to be proud of myself, no matter how many goals I have yet to accomplish. I have learned that my goals must align with my purpose. As I pursue purpose, happiness and contentment will follow.

My journey to finding my purpose began with a lot of soul-searching. I took time to reflect on what truly made me happy and what I was passionate about. By exploring different interests and recognizing my strengths, I started to see a pattern in what brought me fulfillment. Significant life experiences, both good and bad, shaped my understanding of what I wanted to achieve. Setting clear goals and taking actionable steps, while staying open to change, brought me closer to my purpose. Along the way, I found inspiration from various sources and connected with people who shared similar values. Practicing gratitude and mindfulness helped me stay focused and appreciate the journey.

Finding your purpose is a journey unique to you. It’s about exploring what makes you come alive, what you’re passionate about, and how you can make a meaningful impact. Stay curious, open, and true to yourself, and let the journey unfold naturally. You don’t have to have all the answers. Just keep seeking the very thing that brings you life.

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