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Meet Kathleen Dornes, Mrs. North America Revolutionary

Photo credit: Eireann Photography
HMU: Beauty by Isabel 

My name is Kathleen Dornes. Professionally, I’ve been in the human services field for the past 12 years serving individuals with Autism, Intellectual Disabilities, Drug/Alcohol Addiction, and Mental Health illnesses. I am currently the executive director for Halcyon Activity Center – a nonprofit drop-in activity center for those with mental health diagnoses. We provide a safe haven where individuals can come to increase socialization, build friendships, and take part in some pretty awesome activities.  I am also a part-time wedding coordinator for 2 years and have been a track and field coach since 2012.

In my spare time I enjoy watching hockey (Let’s go Rangers!), traveling (especially to Caribbean islands), volunteering, and pageantry. I am your current reigning Mrs. North America Revolutionary and US American Miss Northern States Mrs.Pageantry has afforded me the ability to promote a cause that is very near and dear to my heart – Endometriosis Education. Endometriosis is a condition that affects 1 in every 10 women and occurs when tissue similar to the lining of the uterus grows in other places, such as the ovaries, fallopian tubes, and organs causing horrible pain, excessive bleeding, and even infertility. At the age of 14, I began exhibiting symptoms of the disease. For 10 years I was dismissed by medical professionals, claiming I was overly dramatic and my symptoms were all in my head.

In collaboration with amazing organizations such as the Endometriosis Foundation and Association of America, I have already been able to reach over 25,000 women in 19 US States. Over the next year, it is my plan to expand my outreach internationally. I aim to provide young women all over the world with knowledge of the disease and self-advocacy skills so that they feel empowered to seek medical care when needed. It is my hope that through ongoing education and advocacy, one day no woman living with endometriosis will have to suffer the way I have.

You can follow my journey on instagram – @Kathleen.Dornes or @MrsNorthAmericaRevolutionary

Photo credit: Eireann Photography

HMU: Beauty by Isabel 

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