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Meet Kristen Eleanor Ayers

Kristen Eleanor Ayers-Founder/CEO of Prime Pageants

My name is Kristen Ayers and I am the Founder and Mrs. USA Prime Queen Director for Prime Pageants llc. I have been involved in many capacities within pageantry: as a sponsor, a judge, a contestant. When I won my first title I realized that I wasn’t aligning completely with what the organization valued. So I was destined to either, pivot and not do any more pageants OR find a way to change the pageant industry from the inside.

This lead me to thinking about what I really needed in my own life and how I witnessed other women of every age, race, religion, etc. struggling with not only keeping their lives together but deeply finding meaning in what they were giving all of their energy and time. Was it really the weeklong competition that was giving me fulfillment? And why was I spending so much prep just for the “bathing suit” category when I had a business I had just started, a nonprofit ambassadorship that I was very passionate about and also a family who was also trying to understand why that was the most important thing on my radar.

The truth is that it wasn’t the most important thing. I had so many other hopes and dreams that I wish I had joined a group instead that allowed me to become my best self in all areas that I CARED ABOUT. So, this is how Prime Pageants was born. We have built into the system support, accountability, leadership availability, trainings of all types, organic ways to connect with other women and your community AND we also allow women to safely compete in a pageant that values personal growth and selfcare goals. The competition at the end is a celebration of the person the contestants are wanting to become and the queens are encouraged to use their social media and community reach to focus on just that message. 

I believe the biggest challenges are getting it out to as many women as possible that there is a different way to compete. And if you have never competed, that THIS pageant can give you a sense of belonging, guidance, increased confidence and a fulfillment within your life that has never been created in our society yet. The challenge is allowing the industry, especially pageant coaches and other supporters, to see that they need to offer and promote other choices. Women are powerful, capable and are longing for society to value the work they tirelessly are putting in every day.

State and Regional Titles are appointed and NOT competed for at any time. Hopeful contestants first go through a PRIMEr Program and sit for a non-judged Title Qualifier even before taking on their titles. Then the true magic begins. From masterminds to state crownings and queen parties and figuring out exactly how to level up their personal lives and overall well-being, it is a rollercoaster ride of exciting breakthroughs and at times, hard truths.

Women need to take charge of their social media and personal branding and realize their journeys are extremely vital in preparing the next day, week, year of decisions that other women feel comfortable making. Women should be given those leadership opportunities and Prime helps contestants see their full potential REGARDLESS if they win or not. 

Our hope is that women trust Prime in allowing them to safely explore what is going to make them the happiest in a sustainable fashion. From trying new skills, to learning how to walk with confidence, to being honest with yourself this is more than just a pageant. Showing up every time with patience, grace and a desire to understand yourself better ALL while finding the fun and creating the friendships, that is what our goal is for every single contestant. 

I think the most rewarding part of being so intimate with these women is knowing that they are wanting the best for themselves, their families, their communities and the Prime organization. They just needed a group to help them with their visions and leadership at the top that valued the same things that they want, which is ultimately to live in good overall health, always keeping hope alive and the ability to pursue their own definition of happiness. Prime can help them do that.

The success stories in the first year alone have been remarkable. From leaving extremely bad and manipulative relationships, to overcoming debilitating anxiety, to finally being the one chosen for the dream job, to losing 100 pounds and being energized by life again, to building the confidence to live a more authentic existence, I am amazed at how successful each Prime Queen in 2022 took the experience and made it count for them personally. None of those instances had anything to do with their “placement” at the National Competition and yet had lasting positive effects in so many areas of their life. 

We, at Prime, know that the amount of good that can be created and exchanged all across America is a staggering realization. New pageants normally have only a handful of contestants their first year and we had 200 times that number. We are gaining national attention for our very unique structure and opportunities to every contestant. I am just so unbelievably thankful to be able to do what I do and give what I can.

As an entrepreneur, many times there is a difference between making money and changing the world. With Prime Pageants, I hope to be able to inspire thousands of women to stand up for themselves and to embrace a new version of what their life can be regardless of if they have any pageant experience. Joining Prime may be the piece of the puzzle that they have been missing and if I can help them finish their happiness puzzle them I am ready to show up and give all that I can. Prime’s goal is to have a representative from every state and region filling every division and we want to see the industry standard start to change embracing ALL women with opportunities and support. 

Now is the time to sign up and take the chance on yourself. This is a once-in-a-lifetime experience to create your own path and share your story along the way. We are appointing titleholders right now for our National Celebration Competition in September 2023 in Orlando, Fl.  

Picture Credit-Holte Avery with Revenge Face




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