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Meet Mrs. Britton Allen

Wife, Mom, Pageant Girl, Life Coach-I’m your Mrs. USA Prime, Division 2, Britton Allen. I have been married for almost 11 years to my very best friend. Together we have a mischievous 4-year-old son and a very large goldendoodle.  

Life is about living and I am doing things I never thought I would or could ever do. I hope to inspire other women to stop putting themselves last. If you’re reading this- It’s time to take care of yourself and reach the goals that every part of your soul wants to reach. It’s time for you to find that healing, fulfillment, and higher sense of self. 

Because of my journey to find myself, I have found the courage to do things I have always wanted to do like learning how to fly planes. How cool is that? This was on my 10 year-if ever plan. But you know what, I decided to go for it and made it happen.

I also created an app for my life-coaching clients to keep track of their own healing journeys. I created my app from scratch, did every last bit of beta-testing, and I even published it in the app store. I downloaded it EXCITEDLY to my phone and… I hated every single thing about it. A few years ago this would have absolutely broken my heart, but I truly feel like I have gained extra resiliency through my journey with Prime Pageants and now I know I can face down any challenge set before me.

I now know, without a doubt in my mind, that if you start focusing on becoming the best version of yourself, you will ultimately lift every single person around you. 


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