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Meet Pat Chance

Pat Chance: Breast Cancer Survivor; Avid fitness person competed in over 20+ triathlons plus ran tons foot races and completed half and full marathons; plus my current bikini fitness & glamour & fitness model competitions.
The journey of life is never easy but if you are looking for change, as hard as it may seem – it can be done – you just need to want it more – so face the fear – and change will be your friend!!! Stay strong-Pat Chance

Pageant life brings you into contact with so many phenomenal women doing phenomenal things to uplift our community. We selflessly serve and advocate to be the change we wish to see. We often wear many hats and sometimes I am in awe of what we as women can accomplish is a 24-hour day.

Pageantry has led me to cross paths with the amazing Pat Chance, a Personal Coach & Nutrition Specialist, Fitness Model & Competitor, Hospital Response & Hotline for The Center of Abuse & Rape Emergencies, Gardener for Peace River Gardens & Sculpture Botanical, Ambassador for National Breast Cancer Foundation; Queen Titleholder for the state of Florida and Southeastern Region.

WHEW!! That is a mouthful for sure! She does all of this with the same 24 hours we are allotted each day. I call that a superpower! After listing all the many hats she wears and the responsibilities she shared that one of her challenges have been wanting to do more and not having enough time.

Pat says, “Beyond the pageant comes the mission – my platform which is so more important than the crown & bling. She is an advocate of C.A.R.E. Victim Services Center of Charlotte County Florida, Her goal is to be the voice to bring awareness and stop the abuse. Many times, women walk away from standing up for themselves – some are afraid, some are embarrassed or even ashamed of their situation.

“Volunteering has changed my life and has given me new meaning!”-Pat Chance

Out of all the amazing things Pat is involved in, her greatest accomplishments are being a wife for 48 years to my high school sweetheart and being a mom of two & especially a Mimi (grandmother to 4 beautiful grandchildren); My successful professional career in corporate software sales (now retired); my education of earning my undergraduate and masters after being a mom and working fulltime while earning both of my degrees.

Pat’s plans for the future include, among other things winning an international or nation title to represent the United States and get her fitness pro card at her young age.

If you want to learn more about Pat, Check her out on Social Media – Facebook: pat.chance.754 & patchancefitness;  IG:  patchance56; web: www.patchancefitness.com

Feature Photo Credit:  Bodyscape Magazine / Epic Fit Magazine and Lisa Opie

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