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Meet Rhonda Scott Nowicki

Rhonda Scott Nowicki-Mrs. USA Prime Division 4

It has been over 30 years since I had last been in a pageant! Pageants 30 years ago allowed me through scholarships to attend college, travel, make new friends, work on a better me, volunteer and gain a ton of self-confidence. Pageants gave me a voice. 

As a woman in my late 50’s, I truly thought those days were behind me. It was actually my husband, daughter and son who encouraged me to submit my application to Prime Pageants. It was only after becoming Mrs. Florida Prime Div 4, that I realized I had been allowing my age, which is only a number to define me, my ambitions, goals and decisions. It wasn’t until later after I won Mrs. USA Prime Div 4, that I realized that it was never about my age, it was actually a believable excuse that I had given to myself to stop dreaming.

After surviving cancer, a divorce, the loss of a baby to trisomy 18, I had allowed life’s battles to erode my confidence and steal my dreams. I entered Prime Pageants to push myself forward to follow my dreams, confront my fears and to share the message of hope with women who have had to endure similar life trials. The Mrs. USA Prime title has allowed me to become an Official Patient Ambassador for Tenet Hospital in West Boca Medical Center where I visit pediatric and adult hospital patients bringing a smile to their faces and offering words of encouragement.

It’s truly amazing how quiet a wing will become after I’ve stopped by and left coloring books and word puzzles. I have also seen first hand the tremendous dedication given by the nurses, doctors and medical staff and have enjoyed implementing new motivational thank you’s from the patients and the community. If you are a school teacher or a principle, I encourage you to have your students write a batch of letters to either the patients to Get Well Soon or to the nurses thanking them for being a Local Hero.

I will be happy to deliver them in person or you can deliver them to your local hospital human resource department. A simple word of encouragement can do so very much. Just Remember, no matter your age or even life circumstances, never stop fighting for your dreams!

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