Home » Blog » Meet Shanequa Casteal, Owner of Stra’T’gik Visionary & Co

Meet Shanequa Casteal, Owner of Stra’T’gik Visionary & Co

What’s your name and what do you do?

My name is Shanequa Gift of God (Wonderful, marvelous; circumstance)Danyelle (God is my Judge)Casteal (seeker or truth and wisdom) I am the Ceo of Stra’T’gik (Strategic)Visionary & Co.

I specialize in *Modeling Agency *Custom Clothing Designer *Event & Party planner*Interior Designer *Artist Manager *Music & Video Concept Producer* Show Production

How long have you been doing what you do?

I’ve been into this world all my life but professionally for 7 years.

    How did you get into fashion design?

    As a kid I wish I could dress a certain way but we couldn’t really afford it. As I got older I started designing for a music group and it just went from there!

    What are your greatest accomplishments?

    My greatest accomplishments are learning myself and wanting to grow!

    I also won Designer of the year 2024

    And Most Creative Designer of the year 2023

    What are your plans for the future?

    My plans are to live my life pursuing my dreams and becoming a legend!

    How can people contact you?

    Business Contact:317-744-3565

    Fb: Shanequa Casteal or Stra’T’gik Visionary & Co. Instagram:svisionary247

    Any other information you would like to share? 

    My company loves to connect with other creatives to bring a bigger vision to life. If your looking to create magic please book my company and let’s make something happen.

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