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Meet SitiGirl Cincinnati August Cover Girl-April Rose Smith

“Queen of The Slay”

Meet April Rose Smith, the reigning Mrs. Georgia International 2023. April is a proud part owner of the Ultimate Pageant System, a vibrant community that houses the prestigious National Educators of America, the very first pageant system specifically made for Educators, and the fabulous Ultimate United States Pageant System.

When I met April in February 2023 at a Queens Parade for Model Icon, I was so star struck.  She was graceful, kind and truly down to earth.  I had followed her on social media for the last couple of years and was just impressed with how she served and showed up like a true queen.  I knew then I had to feature her in SITIGIrl Cincinnati and let the world know about this powerhouse of a woman. Her fashion sense is truly one of a kind and if I were small enough, I know I would be raiding her closet for all the stunning couture items she possesses!  This is why I entitled this issue “Queen of the Slay” because this woman slays in every area of her life, and this is why she is the August 2023 SITIGirl Cincinnati cover girl.

For more than 15 years, April has immersed herself in the captivating world of pageantry. It’s been a thrilling ride, filled with glitz, glamour, and unforgettable moments. But that’s not all. Alongside her pageant endeavors, she has also served as an image and wardrobe consultant, helping countless individuals shine their brightest on that stage.

In the realm of pageantry, her heart has weathered the storm of two formidable challenges: individuality and inclusiveness. As an all-natural African American woman, the path is an interesting one. I stand as a leader, striving to be the change we yearn to see. Yet, I find myself facing closed doors far more frequently than open ones, all because the world’s definition of beauty fails to embrace our unique essence.

Now, for the real exciting part; alongside her pageant endeavors, she serves as an image and wardrobe consultant for all the incredible women in the pageantry world. But that’s not where her passion ends.  April’s unique and powerful journey took an unexpected turn in 2019. Inspired by her own battles and triumphs, she felt a calling to support survivors of domestic abuse. It was a path she couldn’t ignore. April considers herself fortunate, because she didn’t have to start from scratch. But the harsh reality is that most survivors face the daunting task of rebuilding their lives from the ground up.

Because of this first-hand experience she extends her expertise and support to domestic abuse survivors who are bravely stepping back into the workforce. From wardrobe assistance to resume overviews and job interview coaching, I’m here to empower and uplift these remarkable individuals.

April’ platform, “I show my scars so others can heal,” was born
from a profound purpose. It compels her to peel back the layers of her own
survival and ongoing healing, exposing her vulnerabilities for the world to witness. It is a testament to the indomitable spirit within us all, proving
that even amidst the harshest odds, our shattered pieces can be transformed
into breathtaking masterpieces.

As a woman of many accomplishments, pinpointing her greatest accomplishment
is like trying to catch a shooting star – it’s a dazzling challenge. April says
her life is a testament to transforming sour lemons into the sweetest lemonade.
And to whip up a refreshing batch of lemonade, you need more than just one

Conquering the treacherous world of homelessness at a tender age of 13 April
defied the odds as a high school dropout. Oh, and let’s not forget the
unexpected role of becoming a mother 20 years old, and last but not least, she
emerged as a warrior, a survivor of domestic abuse. Each hurdle April has faced
could have easily reduced others to ashes, but here she stands, proudly proclaiming that not only did she survive but thrived in the face of adversity. The
weight of these triumphs is immeasurable, because they all hold equal
significance in her journey. Yet, the impact of conquering each obstacle speaks
volumes about the strength and resilience that resides within her.

As for the future, who knows what the future holds? April does plan to
continue her pageant journey as a competitor, but she hasn’t even started to
think of where her new home will be. Please rest assured that wherever she goes, she would like to see the diversity and beauty of all women, not just a cookie cutter version of what the world thinks is beautiful. 

She is also determined to continue to shape and nurture the Ultimate Pageant
System as the co-owner and founder. This space has been created that is not
only necessary but vital in the realm of pageantry. Within the Ultimate Pageant
System, the expectations of conventional beauty are shattered. Instead, and emphasis is placed on our unwavering focus on greatness and excellence. It is a platform where every woman can rise, regardless of societal norms or preconceived notions; a place where the very fabric of pageantry is redefined and empower women to shine in their own magnificent light.

For more information about the Ultimate Pageant System, please visit the website at www.tobeultimate.com.


When asked for final words to our readers, April left us with this wisdom: To
the extraordinary woman who is reading this interview and may be feeling like
she has reached her limit, I want to share her heartfelt story of triumph with
you. I hope that it can serve as a radiant guiding light in your darkest moments. Please remember, that even in the midst of shattered pieces, something truly remarkable can emerge. Those broken fragments have the power to create incredible masterpieces. Your unique journey will become a source of
inspiration for generations to come, but we must have the courage to share our

I met a little girl last week who had a similar upbringing to mine, and it proves that women like us are needed in pageantry, and in mentorship. Let’s be
the change we want to see! 

To learn more about April or find out more about April and her initiaties,
she can be found on Instagram at: justcallmemrssmith or MrsGaIntl2023, as
well as Facebook by searching April Rose Smith. 

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